For mobile developers who want to stay in the industry long-term, it’s essential to look ahead at where new business will be coming from. Beyond just seeking out the next client, savvy developers will position themselves ahead of the market.

Enterprise is Going Mobile

A big trend for mobile developers is building mobile applications for enterprise solutions.

This may mean designing new solutions from the ground up, or it may just involve redesigning existing software to be accessible for mobile users.

There are new opportunities to bring companies’ products to the mobile space, but there are also many opportunities to focus on B2B (Biz2Biz) and B2E (Biz2Employee) mobile apps.

Bring It To The Tablet

New and existing smartphone apps are more commonly being adapted for optimal tablet use, as well.

With larger screens than a phone and more intuitive interfaces than laptops, designing for tablets has its own challenges. Creative and innovative designs are optimizing the user experience.


Mophilly offers innovative mobile solutions that will help you manage your business more effectively in less time, support your workforce, or use the latest technology to make your online or brick and mortar business more secure.

Contact us today to learn how you can improve your business by going mobile.

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