– Each installation of the VDA desktop application requires a license number.
– Upon launch the VDA desktop application registers the license number with Mophilly.
– Any installation can be “un-registered”. This is not built into the application but can be handled by Mophilly for you.
– License numbers not registered can be used with another installation.

You can retire machines and “move” the license to a new one via the registration process.

If you use a registered license number for a new installation, the application will alert you and quit. If you think the license number should be available, Mophilly can check the registration system to see if it is in use. If it is, we can deactivate the registration so the installation can complete the registration process.

When you launch the application the license number is validated with the registration system. If the license number is registered to a different machine, the application will alert you and quit. Please call Mophilly if that occurs.

See also  How to set up Locations for vehicles in Pending status


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