These are the steps to take:

      1. Do a search for the first load in the Vehicle Locator.
      2. Highlight all the VINs and use the Assign Cust Ident button change the Customer Identification to something like Given To Fleet Car.
      3. Export the results to Excel using the Export Results Button.
      4. Highlight all the VINs from the Excel file, then go back to the Vehicle Locator and hit clear results and then do a Multiple VIN Search using the VINS form Excel.
      5. Select the first VIN in the results and click on the Load Details Button.
      6. On the Load Details window click the Delete Load button. And then the OK button.
      7. On the Vehicle Locator hit Search again (the VIN list should still be in memory) and confirm that none of the VINs have a load number.
      8. Next, highlight all of the VINs and click on the Make Unavailable button.

Repeat these steps for the second and third loads. Just make sure that you close the Vehicle.csv (Excel) file before each time that you click on the Export Results button.

See also  Entering The Last 8 Digits of Barcode Does Not Match Vehicle


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