Prompt handling of new Common Locations and Mappings is essential to the proper operation of the TMS system. Please make certain your team knows how to handle this correctly.

  • All requests for a new port or railhead must be handled immediately upon receipt.
  • This must be done before any vehicles are assigned to a new location.
  • Failure to complete this on time may result inlost or delayed revenue and potential loss of OEM contracts.

Setting up a common location for any new port or railnead is a three step process, which is demonstrated in this document. All three steps are required. 


STEP 1: Set up the Common Location in the TMS

Common locations can be added under the Admin menu, Common Location:

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Click the Add Location button:


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Enter the necessary information, and save it by clicking ‘OK’. When you return to the list view, make a note of the Location ID generated to use in the next step.Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 2.31.48 PM


STEP 2: Verify Ramp Code

Call the OEM and get the correct ramp code. Make a note of this for the next step.


STEP 3: Request location mapping

Gather the following information. Send it to as a request with the subject line “Request New Location Mapping”.

  • Location Name
  • Location ID (from step 1)
  • Ramp Code
  • OEM Name

Rail facilities require additional information:

  • Rail Company Name
  • Rail Company ID

Finally, you must check the File Automation results every morning. You can access this in the Work In Progress window in the red box at the top, “Unreviewed File Batches”.

See also  New Version 1.2.0100 (446) for Android VMA

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This will open the File Automation Log window, where you can select the appropriate file types.

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All issues reported must be reviewed, fixed and resubmitted that same day. Delaying this task will cause you problems.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns at 619-296-0114 or write to


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