The FCC has proposed new so-called “net neutrality” rules for internet access that may drive the cost of access out of range for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Individuals and many active businesses are able to be competitive due to low cost access to the internet. Several large corporations and organizations are waging a long term initiative to redefine how access is granted. Despite arguments to the contrary, it appears that they are really building barriers to competition with the support of the FCC. While it is a general business practice to actively work toward gaining market share from competition, the advantages that would be gained by these large corporations threatens to influence the access and content individuals and businesses have to the internet.

The Internet Age brought an unprecedented benefit: a level playing field for micro-businesses and individuals. Just as highways, water services, and law enforcement services are basic needs, a society requires a robust marketplace that does not foreclose newcomers. Today, a major part of the marketplace is the internet; some might say the Internet is the marketplace.

If you reside or have interests in the US you may want to make your opinion known. Here is an article about the issues: Web Goes Ballistic Over FCC Net Neutrality Rules

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